“How do I search for a contact using a partial email address?”

Users can utilize Advanced Search on the Contacts page to find a contact using a partial or complete email address.



To get started, go to the Contacts tab in BrightDoor Central and click the red Advanced Search button.



In the first selection box within Advanced Search, click the drop down selection arrow and then hover over “Email Address” and click on “Any Email Address”.

Select “Contains” in the next box and then type in the email address or a portion of the email address in the third box.


Your results will then be displayed in the results section below the search area.



“Can I sync leads from my public website directly into BrightDoor Central?”

BrightDoor offers access to an API that lets you send leads directly into BrightDoor Central. Select users will be notified via email when a new contact registers and it will be waiting for you as a Contact in BrightDoor Central. If you would like more information on how to begin this process, contact your Account Manager.

“What fields are included in Mail Merge?”

To ensure the template you upload in BrightDoor Central is compatible with the Mail Merge feature, here is a list of fields that are included in Mail Merge:




If you are having issues with import the contact’s information into the mail merge fields, copy and paste the values into a Notepad document and then re-copy and paste the values into the original Word file. This will strip any extraneous characters from the text. Also, be sure the Word file is saved as: Word 2003 XML.

“How do I change my password in Vertical Response?”

Every now and then, your browser will automatically log you out of your Vertical Response account in BrightDoor Central. If you cannot remember your login credentials, just follow the steps below to sign back into Vertical Response. 



From the navigation bar, select the “Eblast” button. Then, click on “Edit Account Settings”.


Enter your new password into the “Password” field and then click on the “Save” button to update your account.

“Can I export scheduled/completed activities from BrightDoor Central?”

The first step to exporting agent activities, is to ensure the Activity Permission is activated for that particular user role.


Once this permission is active, log out and then back into BrightDoor Central to see the update for that user role.



Click on the “Activities” tab. Select your criteria for the activities you would like to export.



Select “Export this list” from the Action Menu on the right-side of your screen. This list of activities will be emailed to you via a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


How do I add a list of “suspect” contacts to BrightDoor Central?

Did you inherit a list of records you have no idea what to do with? Are you planning to send a direct mailing campaign to a list of leads you were given, but you really don’t know their true interest?

It is important to document EVERYTHING in BrightDoor Central, including “suspect” leads. You never know when a stranger can become a buyer.

To track a contact from “suspect” to owner, here is what we recommend:

  • Upload a list or individual record(s) into BrightDoor Central as a certain Contact Status that varies from your typcial Prospect Statuses, such as “Suspect” or “Contact” instead of “A Prospect” or “Warm Prospect”. This will allow you to change their status as you gauge their interest.
  • Create a Lead Source specific to where the lead came from, such as “Previous Community”, “Broker Referral List”, etc. By adding a unique Lead Source, you will know where this Lead came from even if their Contact Status changes.
  • Create a “flag” through a custom Contact Attribute. By creating an additional flag, in BrightDoor Central, you will easily be able to pull up a list of contacts without too much searching. Some helpful attributes to use would be “Add to Direct Mailing List? – Yes or No” or “Obtained through List? – Yes or No”.



“Why do I receive a “Duplicate Warning” when adding a new contact?”

When creating a new contact, if the first and last name or email address match another contact in the database, BrightDoor Central will warn you of other potential duplicates.

The warning highlights:

  • Basic Information – City, State, and Communication Method
  • Sales Agent
  • Create Date

BrightDoor Central will not stop users from creating the record, but will send a follow up email as a precaution.

“Why do I receive the “Oops” error when trying to import a file?”

If you receive the “Oops” error when trying to import a file, you will want to review your spreadsheet for some of the common errors listed below.

  • Remember you must select a Lookup Property, regardless of if you are updating records or importing new.
  • Make sure your file type is CSV of Excel 97-2003.
  • Make sure you have entered the correct Excel Sheet Name on step 1 of the import tool. This field is case sensitive.
  • When assigning agents to contacts, you must use their username (email address), NOT their full name.
  • Remove any special characters in the First and Last Name fields. Examples include &, *, $
  • Make sure you do not have blank columns within your spreadsheet.
  • Update any blank cells in required fields such as name or contact type and status.
  • Verify that email address are valid and in the correct format.
  • Make sure that any columns with data for select fields contain the EXACT text that exists in BrightDoor Central. Ex: Column = View Preference, Mountain View is a selection available in BrightDoor Central. Entries such as mountain view, mt. view, Mountain view will not work as they are not an exact match to Mountain View.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to copy all contents of the spreadsheet to a new file, using Past Special and only pasting hte values. This discards any odd formatting that may exist in your Excel file.  You  may also save the sheet as a CSV file to strip out all formatting.

Still receiving the “Oops” error? Contact your BrightDoor Account Manager or click here to ask BrightDoor Support.

“Why doesn’t anything happen when I click on ‘Email this Contact’?”

If the “Email This Contact” link in BrightDoor Central does not work for you in Firefox, you may need to adjust your browser profile.

Open your Firefox profile folder:

  • At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button, go over to the Help menu (on Windows XP, click on the Help menu) and select Troubleshooting Information. The Troubleshooting Information tab will open.
  • Under the Application Basics section, click on Show Folder. A window with your profile files will open.
  • Now close Firefox, and in the profile folder rename mimeTypes.rdf to mimeTypes.rdf.old

When you re-start Firefox the applications list will be reset to the defaults and should include mailto which will allow you to click on email links to automatically create an email with your default email client.